Friday, July 20, 2012

Pearl Lover- A Peek at the Cover

Author: Kea Noli

A Comment on The Cover

    Recently I received a request to review Pearl Lover by Kea Noli, I have to confess I haven't started it just yet but with a cover like this I can hardly wait! I always find it so refreshing when I self-published book has a good cover. There are just too many good, self-published books out there with horrendous covers that don't get nearly enough attention because the cover isn't enticing. Just looking at this cover and her mysterious eyes, I feel like I want to know more about her, who is she? what is she thinking?

    I know your not supposed to judge a book by its cover but for some reason everybody does anyways. So I'm curious, what do you think makes a good cover?

If this cover makes you want to read the book as much as me click on the link below; Pearl Lover is going to be free this weekend on Amazon!


  1. I think a good cover should have contrasting colours, a bit like the Black Hat and predominantly white background and details on Pearl Lover's cover. But I'll normally pick something up if it's intriguing. Like a flock of birds, or a crumbling city, whisps of smoke that sort of thing, is that normal?
    RB :)

    1. I don't know if its normal to love crumbling cities and whisps of smoke on book covers but I certainly do! I think when mist or fog is on a book cover or the edges are blurred or something like that it adds a whole new level of intrigue!

    2. Thank goodness it's not just me then! Exactly, it makes you want to find out what's going on
      RB :)

  2. Sarah,
    You have some good questions about the cover. I found the page when I was searching for the title using Google. Thank you very much for your comments. Kea

  3. I agree... I'm always surprised when someone goes through all the time and work of writing a book and getting it published, only to (apparently) not put much thought into the cover. I have ended up buying many books because I was first attracted to the cover! This one does look intriguing....

    1. I truly find it disheartening when it seems as if the author doesn't care about the cover of their book because it just won't get the attention it deserves. I agree, I buy a lot of books because I like their covers even though I know your supposed to buy a book based on content...

    2. I must admit so do I and I know from experience that it isn't always the best way. This is the type of cover that would tempt me.

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    1. Thanks for visiting & following I'm on my way to go check out your blog :)


  5. Nice post, thanks for sharing


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