Review Policies

     In my opinion if you read too much of one genre, then suddenly that genre becomes boring, predictable and not really worth reading. For that reason, I read pretty much everything or in other words I will review nearly any genre of book but if you want to get specific here's a list of the genres I will review:

But, I am still open to hosting blog tour stops
  • Fiction
  • Non-Fiction
  • Historical Fiction
  • Romance
  • Westerns
  • Mystery
  • Adventure
  • Poetry
  • Young Adult
  • Thrillers
  • Fantasy
  • Science Fiction
  • Classics (or revised versions of classics seeing as Dickens or Austen probably won't be emailing me anytime soon.
***If you didn't see the genre of your book here you can still request a review, the only genre I do not review is, self-help.

To Request a Review:

Send me an email with:

  • The book's title
  • Any links to the book you wish to be included in the review(i.e. Amazon, Goodreads, etc.)
  • Available formats
  • Author's name
  • The book's cover
  • An email address with which I can contact you and respond to your request.

  • (To email me click on the envelope below)
    Email me

    Once I have received your review request, I will contact you asap with my decision.

    What My Reviews Include:

    • Author's name, Book's title
    • My thoughts on the book
    • Cover art
    • Official Description of the book (i.e Amazon, Goodreads etc.)
    • In addition to the post on my blog, I will post my review on Goodreads and Amazon
    • If you include links to your book on Goodreads, Amazon etc. I will also include these links

    A Further Note:

         I understand the precious nature of writing and the hard work of authors. So, if mid reading I am certain that my honest opinion of the book will receive a rating of less than 3/5 (a.k.a. a rating of 1 or 2) according to my rating system, I will contact the author, or their representative and offer them the option of withdrawing their book from my review list.

    Thanks for taking the time to read my policies!
    N.B. My reviews will generally be posted within 3-4 weeks of receiving a copy of the book, though this time frame is dependant on my schedule.

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